Wednesday, December 1, 2010


This is not a rumor...

It has been reported that the Edmonton Oilers are on a "fact finding" mission to see what it might take to re-locate the Oilers to Quebec City. I am currently listening to the Team1260's Oilers Lunch show w/ Bob Stauffer, and he's saying that the Oilers are not moving and that he would shocked if that ever came to fruition. But, he also confirmed that guys like Kevin Lowe (President of Hockey Operations), and Partick Laforge (President & CEO) did in fact meet with representatives, including the Mayor, of Quebec City. The topic of conversation being re-location.

My thoughts on this matter...

I am a transplant to Edmonton from Vancouver. Vancouver has an awesome downtown! I also grew up in a suburb near Toronto called Burlington. Which is situated right next to Hamilton. Two big towns with vibrant Down-Town cores.

I have never been a fan of the way this city is set-up. I have never lived in a town this size, that has such a dismal downtown area. There are no services after 6:00 pm on weekdays. Hell you can't get a bottle of water, because there's no convenience stores. 

Now obviously there are a few restaurants and stores downtown that provide services and I am exaggerating a little bit...but, as a visitor to this city, as it is with most big cities, you expect that the downtown area will have services. And, unless you live here and know where these things are, you'll be quite frustrated trying to find them!

I have asked my wife several times if she would consider moving out of this city as I hate the way it is currently. In my opinion, a new arena and entertainment project, like the one proposed for this city by the Katz exactly what this town needs. Hockey is a small part of why this needs to be built. I mean think about it... Hockey would only book 45 dates out of 365. All those other dates will be filled with Concerts & Events that benefit all non-hockey fans.

With what I consider small-town thinking, the citizens and City Council, need to get over the amount of money needed to complete this project, and think about all tax revenue, tourism revenue, and sport & event related revenue that will be missed out on by not going ahead with this project.

I hope that The Rexall Sports and Entertainment people have a really bad experience in Quebec. So as they do not want to actually move this team. However, if we the citizens of this City, do not rally behind a project that helps  build this town, then don't bitch and moan if Darryl Katz decides to take his business somewhere where it is wanted, given a chance to flourish.

Update Coutesy of David Staples at the Edmonton Journal...

Staples writes...

"Edmonton Oilers’ President and CEO Patrick LaForge, President of Hockey Operations Kevin Lowe and Katz Group CFO Paul Marcaccio met today with Quebec City Mayor Regis Labeaume and others. Our representatives are on a fact finding mission to gather information on the Quebec arena project, the contemplated funding model and that City’s discussions with other orders of government.
"Patrick, Kevin and Paul hope to learn from the Quebec City experience and bring back insights that will help move the process forward here in Edmonton. We remain focused on our efforts to develop the funding structure required to enable the Edmonton Arena District project to proceed. Today was a convenient date for the meeting in Quebec City since the Oilers are already in nearby Montreal to play the Canadiens and our group is with the team."

GO Oilers GO!

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